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Selectmen Minutes 10/05/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – October 5, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Debra Davidson, A.A. taking minutes
6:00 – Dan & Lenore LaGuerre – to discuss the property on Higgins Lane they purchased – Cancelled –
Mr. & Mrs. LaGuerre rescheduled their appointment; Administrative Assistant explained the situation at Higgins Lane with the Selectmen.
Other Business:
·       P/R checks, A/P checks & invoices were approved.
·       McCanna Fund - $149.75 – Selectmen recommended who they would apply the funds to on the next tax bill.
·       Minutes – Selectmen made changes to the Minutes of 09/28/06. Selectman Kullgren noted several typographical errors on the minutes; the typo’s will be corrected and resubmitted next week.
·       Review – Selectmen reviewed the data presented from the Advisory Budget Committee, they also reviewed the Tax Rate Comparison.  Discussion followed.  Variables which need to be considered when considering the impact on the tax rate are changes in population, valuations etc.   Selectmen would like to do a review of what transpired over the years to review the town investment in itself.
Action:  Administrative Assistant to research to see what capital projects happened and in which years? Compare dollars in 1997 vs. dollar in 2006 – Deb will ask the Local Government Center if they have that information.  Selectmen further would like to see a break down of the equalized rate since 1997.  
·       Meeting next week –  Selectmen will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, October 10 at 5:45.
·       FYI – Bill Dodge (New Boston Road resident) will be attending the meeting next week @ 6:15 – to oppose driveway cut for Jane O’Donnell subdivision.  Mr. Dodge stated he was bringing his attorney & the editor of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.   
·       FYI – A bus will be parked at the town parking area, next to Greenfield Auto over the weekend.  There are guests staying at the Greenfield Inn and the vehicle is too large for the parking lot at the Inn.  The police department has also been notified.
7:35 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c ) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren. Voted:  Unanimously in the affirmative.
7:48 – Motion to enter out of non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Voted:  Unanimously in the affirmative.
Action:  Selectmen will support the welfare director in her decision to deny the request for assistance at this time.  The family will be encouraged to meet with board at next meeting, as well as meet with Selectmen at their home.   Unanimously voted in the affirmative.
·       Church update – There is no update at this time
·       Charrette – Selectman Dumas received an e-mail from Castagna Consulting Group, LLC inviting a representative from Greenfield to attend an event to discuss the Charrette program, the event is to be held on October 24th in Concord.  Selectmen briefly discussed the Charrette held in Greenfield, they approve the Administrative Assistant attending the meeting and sharing the experience Greenfield had with the Charrette.  Before the 24th the Administrative Assistant and BOS will discuss the time line and how the Charrette came to be so important in Greenfield.
·       Selectmen’s Advisory Committee – Selectman Dumas reported that the recent meeting started with Andrea Gilbert discussing a program she is initiating; the program is called the Monadnock Regional Transportation program. It will provide residents within the Monadnock Region rides to/from doctor visits, shopping etc. The ConVal area will be considered a sub region for this program.  Ms. Gilbert is in the process of developing a proposal with hopes of obtaining grant funding. Selectmen continued with discussion on this program and other options for regional transportation.
Selectman Dumas discussed some of the goals for ConVal; they are anticipating an increase in the district rate of approximately 7.5%, however this is partially based on the amount of State Education funding we receive. Dumas reported the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee (SAC) also discussed regionalizing purchases, and utilizing Capital Improvement Programs within communities.  
The SAC will begin monthly meetings in January and will continue with monthly meetings until March.
·       Waste Water System  – Selectman Rainier discussed that Francestown Sand & Gravel is working on the hook up this week.  They did run into a couple of lines they did not know about, there were telephone lines, conduit and water lines in two places which there was no record of.  They lost a1/2 day waiting for Verizon to identify the line, which eventually was determined was a dead line.  The waterline was in two separate spots, it is recoded now.  The manhole should be repaved tomorrow; the Library will be hooked in Tuesday.
The Administrative Assistant briefly discussed her conversation with Mr. Carbee and his request to expand the coffee shop.  Scott & Sheldon Carbee will be at the meeting next Tuesday.
Briefly discussed was metering the system, rather than charging by bedrooms.  Jim Cruthers will research this option and report his findings to the Board.  Selectmen reviewed a note from Mr. Cruthers explaining how the first quarter usage of the waste water system has been working.  The system has been running very well.
·       Recycle Center – It was noted the port-a-potty has been delivered, however it was not situated where the BOS requested it be placed.  Discussion followed regarding where it is placed.  Selectmen would like to have Frank come in and discuss this, as well as a few other matters in person.
·       Boston post cane – Discussion followed about retrieving the older cane from Irene Davis’ family.  Shirley Adams may be able to help with this.
·       Invoice for BBQ – there was brief discussion regarding the Sam’s Club invoice.  The Selectmen will authorize payment for everything on the slip with the exception of any alcohol.  Oak Park Committee members will need to reimburse the Town for that expense.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 5:45 pm.